Yookey ID
Keycloak in SaaS set up for authentication with the italian SPID and CIE. Accredited platform ACN.
Yookey ID
Implement authentication with SPID and CIE in any web service
The SaaS service that provides you with Keycloak ready to use to integrate SPID and CIE into applications and websites.
- Secure
- Customizable
- GDPR compliant

Yookey ID
The SPID and CIE
gateway for Public Administration and private companies
Yookey ID is already set up for authentication with SPID and Electronic Identity Card saving you further integration efforts and accreditation by AgID/ACN as a Service Provider.
Public Administration For access to apps and web services.
Private companies For authentication to services or internal network.

How it works
Integrate SPID and CIE authentication into web applications
Yookey ID is a cloud-based SaaS service built on Keycloak an identity and access management solution used by thousands of users worldwide.
A cloud-based and fully managed IAM service
We take care of everything! Yookey is a service provided by E-time srl accredited as an aggregator of Service Providers. We provide you with the necessary support cloud service including maintenance and updates.
Save accreditation time We are certified AgID and ACN aggregator entities.
Lower costs Eliminate the need for dedicated infrastructure.
Fully managed solution Infrastructure maintenance and updates included.

Who it's for
Integrate SPID and CIE authentication for Single-Sign-On (SSO)
Integrate Yookey ID and offer the ability to access your services or those of your clients via SPID and CIE.
Web service providers Yookey ID can be integrated with any online service.
Check out the plans or speak directly with our sales team for further information.